Monday, February 28, 2011

Artist Statement

Most people say that being an artist requires patience with your work. In my case, it's the exact opposite. At the beginning of the year, before Ms. Roberts knew me as an artist, she wanted to me to plan out my work beforehand. As we got further into the year, she decided to let my work flow and have me reflect on it afterwards. I dislike both. I feel that real passionate artwork can't be planned because a lack of spontaneity makes art bland. I can't reflect afterwards because it just makes me over-think my work and waste time when I could be making more art. I can't be restrained by mundane tasks when I make art, because the work that those tasks revolve around will turn out to be the same thing: mundane. I love making art when I can make it real. Since I rarely to never think about my artwork, whether or not it is good is determined solely by whether I am passionate about the work I am making. My favorite medium to work with is permanent marker, because whatever is marked is irreversible. This forces me to work with any mistakes I've made if I want to preserve what I've already taken the time to create.

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