Title: God Bless America
This was an interesting project. I came back to art class/school from having a bad but brief case of mononucleosis, only to be told that I should make an image with photos that I found looking through magazines. I was immediately drawn to a section in a magazine about a multiple-statewide flea market. The photos taken were colorful collections of toys, clothes, and guns. I liked several of the photos, so I cut them out. The image of all of the mint-condition toy cars was particularly colorful, so a picture was taken on a digital camera and printed out. Once that was out, I layered the original image in the corner of the larger print-out, and another bright collection of toys in the other corner. In contrast, I cut out an assortment of rifles out from another collection, and had them strewn across the bottom. In the center, a cutout of the back of two babies sitting down, with an action speech bubble from one baby, saying "YES!" I'd say that this image represents children in America, growing up in a land of luxury, toys, and violence.
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